Origin: England. Progress was one of the first varieties to come out of a modern breeding program in England. Its lineage includes Whitbread Goldings and O.B.79, making it cousin to Target. Developed to create a very “English” Fuggle-like impression in the glass.
Usage: Aroma. Very fine as a late kettle, hop back, or cask addition in the hoppy English trifecta: bitter, pale ale, IPA. Progress has a high enough alpha content to also perform light bittering duty in mild, brown, and Scottish ales. Adds a nice element to brown porters. Like Fuggle, does well as a single hop or component of a blend.
Aroma & Flavor Characteristics: Moderate to strong suggestions of spring grass, herbs, and fresh flowers overlaid on woods and dried mint. Adds nice floral and grass/herbal complement when blended with fruitier varieties (think EKG or Sovereign) for late and dry hopping.
Mon - Thur: 10am-6:00pm
Fri: 10am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 8pm
Sunday: 10am-2pm
4577 N. Pecos St.
Denver, CO 80211
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