Can ferment up to 25% alcohol. From England. Produces ester character that increases with increasing gravity. Malt character dominates at lower gravities.
A listing of how this style ranks amongst different brew styles, on a scale from 0 to 4.
Style | Rating | Style | Rating |
American Style Cream Ale | 1 | American Style Wheat Ale | 1 |
Fruit Beer | 1 | Herbs & Spice Beer | 1 |
Specialty Beers | 2 | Specialty Honey Ales | 2 |
Smoke Flavored Beer | 2 | Golden Ale Canadian Style Ale | 1 |
German Style Kolsch | 1 | Classic English Style Pale Ale | 1 |
English Style India Pale Ale | 1 | American Style Pale Ale | 1 |
American Style India Pale Ale | 1 | American Style Amber | 1 |
English Style Bitter | 1 | English Style ESB | 1 |
Scottish Style Ale | 1 | Irish Style Red Ale | 1 |
English Style Brown Ale | 1 | American Style Brown Ale | 1 |
German Style Brown and Dusseldorf Altbier | 1 | Robust Porter | 1 |
Brown Porter | 1 | Classic Irish Style Dry Stout | 1 |
Foreign Style Stout | 2 | Sweet Stout | 1 |
Oatmeal Stout | 1 | English Old Ale English & American Strong Ale | 1 |
Barley Wine Strong Ale | 4 | Strong Scotch Ale | 1 |
Imperial Stout | 2 | Imperial IPA | 2 |
Feedback and experiences from previous customers.
This yeast is a beast! Took my RIS from 1130 (fermented down to 1040 with wlp001) to 1006 and finished out my BDSA that was "stuck" at 1025 (from 1110) to 0,995!
Be careful that take loong time to eat the last few points!
Just my experience using WLP099 Super High Gravity ale yeast. I'm a relatively new home-brewer (less than 10 months), but using this yeast I managed to make a 22% all grain RIS (no sugar/syrup additions). Using a 8L yeast starter, 1 packet of WLP099, 7 stepped additions of wort, 5 lots of aeration using a cheap aquarium pump (atmospheric oxygen, not pure O2), dry beer [pilsner] enzyme and some simple yeast nutrient managed to go from 1.202 to 1.046 and around 74% apparent attenuation.
On big beers this yeast is a slow fermenter, chugging along for quite some time, so be patient as it will get there, just much slower than you expect. As regards taste, as I mainly pitched the yeast cake from my starter (8L out of 15L total starter) I decided to taste the hopped starter beer and it was positively delicious. 90% apparent attenuation (!!), 6.2% ABV, fruity but with little or no weird off flavours/phenolics (although phenols will increase in bigger brews). No sulphur or other homebrew tastes to mention of, despite being still cloudy with yeast (Doesn't flocculate terribly as well as many other strains). Although not my first choice for a low gravity beer, it still tasted great for any English style ale and is unsurpassed for attenuation!
My big beer needs maturing, but 2 months from when fermentation started it tastes like a liquorish, dark fruit liqueur, deceptively smooth with a warm alcohol burn. Surprisingly drinkable already, and no doubt will completely transform with aging. Any yeast flavour is probably masked by the malt as there's no denying the 18kg of malt that went into this beer! However, the yeast did it's job.
Be warned though you can't just toss this in and make anything over 10-11% without stepped additions and simple aeration as it doesn't favor high gravity environments.
Would I make a 20+% all grain beer again? Maybe, maybe note, but time tell (it's alot of work).
Would I use this yeast again? Most definitely. Would suit any super dry English style ale or Barley wine, and possibly even an experimental Belgian-style Trappist
Brewed a 24% beer (total OG 1.170- FG 1.022) with a friend some time ago. We wanted to harness the flavorful esters from other yeasts, so we ended up pitched Saison yeast first to take it to 11%, then Trappist yeast taking it to 18% and giving it the bulk of the flavors we were after. Sugar was added during the fermentation at multiple points and was oxygenated constantly.
It was a trial to get this yeast up and running in an 18% solution. Pitching a vial the first time was unsuccessful. Next vial I made a starter utilising watered a down element of the 18% beer with added DME. When pitched this worked slowly to take it up to 24%. Delighted with it, did exactly what we wanted when given the right conditions. The end product is phenomenal. Figgy, almonds, sherry, dark fruit, cherries, raisins, dates and forest honey.
Certainly not a beginners yeast. Recommended!
Great yeast! I've brewed 2 different barleywines and 1 wheat wine with it so far. The first did not completely ferment out for several months, but that was before I started reading about proper care of this yeast. It is certainly not for beginners.
For the second barleywine, I paid attention to the other reviews. I made a 2 step gallon starter starting a week in advance. The wort was around 1.08 and finished under 1.01 resulting with a 10% abv. I've been periodically adding candi syrup to raise the gravity, which is currently at 17% abv and climbing. The yeast finishes the gravity each time at around 1.0, with the most recent addition finishing at 0.994. Definitely a powerhouse as long as you slowly add fermentables and give the yeast time to eat.
On my most recent wheat wine, I used a vial that was a few months expired (brew shop sold it for half price) and got the same results as above just by making a good starter. I can not emphasize making a good starter enough.
Overall, this yeast will live up to the claims, just be gentle with it.
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