Brew Blog — Hops

WaPo: This concentrated hop powder is making brewers go crazy

WaPo: This concentrated hop powder is making brewers go crazy

The annual hop harvest is just around the corner in Washington state’s Yakima Valley, the agricultural area where 75 percent of America’s hops are grown, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And as brewers and hop brokers from across the country head to Yakima’s farms to sniff just-picked whole-cone hops and taste IPAs created to showcase different varieties, they’re also going to be talking about something that sounds far more futuristic than traditional hop farming: Cryo Hops.
T-45 versus T-90 Hop Pellets….

T-45 versus T-90 Hop Pellets….

If you've ever wondered what these "T" values mean here is a great explaination from's Ashton Lewis:

The “T” in T90 and T45 pellets is an abbreviation for “Type,” and the general designation relates the weight of the pellet to the whole hops coming into the process. One pound of whole cone hops yields about 0.9 pound (0.4 kg) of pellets in the case of T90 pellets, and 0.45 pound (0.2 kg) of pellets in the case of T45 pellets. At first glance it seems that the process

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With the number of American small and independent craft breweries tipping 3,400, the demand for more, unique and efficient beer ingredients continues to grow.